The Reality

Undertale used to be my favorite game. I never got the chance to play it. I was only in the fandom. But, I was able to play the game one day... And it destroyed me forever.
If anyone is reading this, I am in the Mental Institution now. I'm writing this down when the doctors wanted me to write down what happened. So, let's get this done with...
And hope HE doesn't find me.
I loved Undertale and the fandom so much. All of my friends loved the game as well. The characters, the story, everything about it wasn't like any other game we've ever seen. Especially ONE character.
His name was W. D. Gaster, or Gaster for short. He was a man of mystery you could say. All that everyone knows about him was that he used to be the Royal Scientist to Asgore and died when he fell into the Core, a power generator of the sort. 
But, their was always something odd about it to me. I mean, would it be odd that he fell into his own creation? Also, if their was a possibility of falling in, why aren't there any railings on the side?
And... One question that I always thought about:
"Did he die on accident... Or on purpose?"
04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)


One day, as I was on my laptop watching YouTube, an odd pop-up appeared in the middle of the screen. It read:
"The File 'Undertale' has been sent you by *******. Shall you download the file?"
I was surprised and excited at the same time. Someone send me Undertale! But who did? I thought it was one of my friends, wanting to surprise me. I wanted to text them about it. But I got to excited and clicked "Yes". 
It only took seconds for the game to download. I closed all of my tabs and clicked on the "Undertale" tab. I couldn't wait to start playing!
But, I still wanted to know one thing. Who is "*******"? 
Now I was hoping that it was one of my friends.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the opening cutscene theme playing. I knew what it was about but I still watched it anyway. Mostly explained how the monster got underground and trapped. The cutscene had my pity when I first watched it. But, I knew it wasn't real and it was just a game...
As the cutscene started to end. Text popped up as the scene transition up. It read:
"The monsters hoped to be free again..."
"Even if it meant to make a monster of their own..."
"A monster of their own?" What the heck does that mean?
The screen to name the fallen human had interrupted my thoughts. Before I named the human, I decided to put that little quote off to the side and continue the game. Whoever sent me this must've added a little something to spice things up.
I decided to name the fallen human "Delta". I chose Delta because I always wanted to name someone with a Greek word. Don't ask, it was  strange of me back then.
Then, the game began. It looked normal with Delta beginning at the pile of flowers and shining light glowing down at them. I made Delta walk out of there and to where Flowey is. Flowey looked normal enough. He still had his smiling face, his petals, everything.
But when I approached him, that's when I noticed something different. Instead of his normal introduction, this happened:
"I-I'm Flowey. F-Flowey the F-flower!"
"Good! He's not here!"
Suddenly, he surrounded the soul with bullets!! What happened to his little introduction?!
His laughed his evil laugh as the bullets got closer. Then, they disappeared and was Flowey was blasted by a fireball. Then, Toriel appeared. Looked like things were gonna go normal now.
The normal route with Toriel was the same. No mentions about "him" whoever that is. That was good cause I was hoping that was a one time thing.
But, as I got to the point where you fight Toriel, something else was different. The text said something else. She said:
"Please. Go back upstairs."
"Asgore will kill you."
"He wouldn't want that."
Then, as she approached the door and I made Delta follow, she said this:
"Why do you want to leave?"
"Don't you care?"
"About what others want?"
"Well, if that's what it is..."
"Then you'll have to get through me first!"
The battle began. The text read:
"Toriel refuses to move!"
I started to feel nervous. The text made her sound like the bad guy! She's supposed to be a motherly character, not an obsessed monster!
But still yet, I chose Mercy. She didn't say anything. She just attacked with her fire as usual. After her turn was done, I chose Mercy again. This cycle continues after five or six turns. Now, she said:
"P-please! I'm trying to do what he had wanted to do!"
I clicked Mercy again. She said:
"My child! Just go upstairs!"
Mercy again.
And again.
"He did want a child safe and happy."
"You'll be safe here but..."
"Not happy."
"The Ruins is a small place."
"He wouldn't want you to grow up in a place like this."
Then, the battle was over and the screen went back to Delta.
"If you want to go..."
"I won't stop you..."
"Just don't hurt anyone or get hurt please."
Toriel walked up to Delta and hugged them. I remember getting emotional at that moment as she went to leave. Then, I made Delta walk through the doors and expected to see Flowey. Shockingly, he wasn't there. Just a circle of green grass. 
As Delta walked over the grass, a white speck appeared on the side. Text appeared on the bottom that read:
"yOu dEcIdE tO lEaVe hEr hUh?..."
"wElL tHeN..."
"eXpEcT mE iN tHe FuTuRe..."
"iM tHe oNe tHaT hAd eScApEd eViL's cLuTcHeS..."
"aNd nOw yOuRe wAlKinG rIgHt tO iT..." 
Then, the white speck and text box disappeared. Was that "him"?... Might be. Since the text wasn't like any other character speaks like. Not even Gaster. Wonder what he meant, "escaped evil's clutches"... Guess I'll find out soon enough.
As Delta got to the other side, the game played normally. Sans and Papyrus was the same, Monster Kid was normal, and Undyne was normal as well. It was good to see the game was FINALLY normal... But I shouldn't have been so cocky.
When Delta was in Grillby's with Sans, he asked something different. Not the "talking flower". But this:
"Have you noticed a freaky human or monster around?"
I was given the option to say "yes" or "no". I wanted to say no for some reason. But I clicked yes. He said:
"Be careful with that guy."
"He's known to be a failed project."
"No one knows what he is."
"Is he human? Or a monster?"
"Oh. And I'm asking you because..."
"Well, Papyrus encountered him a few days ago."
"Get this: he actually chatted to the freak."
"Surprising huh?"
"Papyrus told me that the freak shared 'theories' with him."
"He won't tell me what they mean."
"Said something about it being a secret."
"Eh whatever"
"I'm too lazy to find out."
Then, he got up to leave. Before he left, he turned to Delta and this text appeared:
"Oh, and by the way."
"If you do see and meet him..."
"Do NOT mention the child!"
He turned back around and left. "The child"? What child? Monster Kid? Asriel?... This is becoming SO confusing!
As I continued the game, it was the same as the original game. Undyne didn't say anything about the man, neither did Mettaton or Alphys. At this point, I was finally relieved that some of the characters had no clue of this guy. Nor of "the child". Hopefully it was Monster Kid that Sans was talking about. 
So, when I got to the True Lab, I was thinking about if there might be information here. Maybe something in this hacked Undertale will lead to some answers... Hopefully.
I looked around to find some entry logs of what Alphys wrote down. Hopefully she left some clues to this man and "child". I still don't get "the child" thing! It is possible it might be Monster Kid. But why shouldn't I mention him? He's not a bad kid or anything
What if it was Asriel? I mean, Sans knows what happens in every timeline. So, could it be possible that in this timeline, this man exists?
Has a possibility. But who knows. I just have to find out for myself.
As Delta walked around the True Lab, I noticed a note in front of the TV with the tapes on the sides. This text popped up:
"The note was too sloppy to read."
"But you made out 'journal', 'under TV' and the letter G"
G... Must be Gaster...
I made Delta check under the TV and this text popped up:
"You picked up Old Journal"
Old Journal huh... Well, time to read!
I went to Delta's inventory and took out the Old Journal. Surprisingly, it went into view of the pages! I guess whoever hacked this was pretty talented. The journal looked pretty old. Especially with the dust it's collecting. I could've sworn that some edges of the pages were burnt. Possibly from an experiment gone wrong.
The pages were written like how Alphys wrote her logs, but kinda less of clear to read. It was sloppy, but I was able to read. This is what the pages said:
04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)


G Entry: Number 1
Today, King Asgore had assigned me to make a clone of a creature with the SOUL of a monster and a human. I told him it would be difficult, but I'm going to give it my all. 
G Entry: Number 2
I finally came up with a plan to make this creature. I will use one of the fallen human's SOUL and a fallen monster's SOUL and mix them to make one SOUL. This will have to take some time due to how difficult it is when a SOUL breaks apart and can't put it back together.
G Entry: Number 3 
A body. That's what the SOUL needs. A body. In order to stay in place as one. But, the question is: How will I create a body that's half-human, half-monster?
G Entry: Number 4
I went to ask Asgore for a human's body and he agreed. He had given me a little boy with dark hair and light skin. I took the body and took a blood sample once I got back to the lab. I took a blood sample of a fallen monster and mixed the samples together and ran it through the machine. Hopefully, the results will show good results.
G Entry: Number 5
It's positive! The results said the blood samples became one and began to turn into hybrid blood cells! If this keeps going, we'll have a body for the soul!
G Entry: Number 6
I went to the king again. This time, I told him about an idea I had. What if not only it was a monster soul with a human soul, but a monster soul with pieces of the six souls? He wondered that himself. So, he take me take a small piece from each soul. It wouldn't matter if the soul lost a piece. As long as the rest of it was intact. Now, I shall begin making the soul.
G Entry: Number 7
The soul is finished. The monster soul and the six soul pieces are now intact. Now, the only thing to be finished is the body.
G Entry: Number 8
Something went wrong. When I placed the soul into the body, it began to show off black marks and stopped when it went to it's eyes! I checked its status and it didn't effect anything of it. However, it seems to have gained blindness in its right eye. Better give it something before it wakes up.
G Entry: Number 9
Finally, the creation is awake! Before it did, I had to place an eyepatch over it's corrupted eye so it could think it only has one eye. It was able to stand on its own and it walked around with ease. It must've been from the corruption that it knows how to walk, move, etc. I have hopes that the corruption won't do anything else to it.
G Entry: Number 10
This morning, I brought in a stray child in my basement home. He seems to be what looks like an albino dragon. But, walks and talks like a human. I decided to bring him to the lab so I could find out what kind of monster he is. When the creature gained eye-contact on the child... It only stared at him. And the child stared back. Then, when I put the child down and turned away, I looked back to see my creation, holding the child in his arms like a baby. I heard the child calling him "daddy", but it was a purr/giggle sound he made. So, today, I had noted two things:
One, it seems to have a gender. Referred to as a "he".
Two, he seems to have an interest in children. That one seems... Strange to me.
04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)04:28, February 5, 2018 (UTC)


As I turned to the next page, it seemed that the page was ripped off! Something told me that whoever did that, didn't want anyone to know what it said... Well, that's what I hoped.
When I left the screen, everything was gone!! Delta was surrounded by darkness! Now, things are starting to get scary! 
I made Delta walk around to see if I could see anything. So far, there was nothing. Well, until I was suddenly thrown into battle. No one was there.... Until... I say the white speck again. Then, text appeared:
"yOu fInAlLy fOuNd oUt wHo i aM..."
"i bEt yOuRe wOnDeRiNg wHaT hApPeNeD tO tHe lAsT pAgE aReNt yOu?"
Then, I was given the chance to choose "yes" or "no". I was about to click yes until this:
"yOuRe aBoUt tO sAy yEs, aReNt you?"
Now I was becoming scared! How did he know I was going to click that?! ... Ok, my heart's racing now!
"wElL tHeN..."
*"he" handed you "Entry 11"*
I looked at my items and looked at Entry 11. It read;
"G Entry: Number 11
If anyone is reading this, you have to know this...
Yesterday, Dr. W. D. Gaster was reported murdered in The Core. He was last seen with a creature with a scar and eyepatch. The creature was known to look like his creation. His creation was caught pushing Gaster off the ledge. The guards tried to reprehend him, but he ran off somewhere and wasn't found ever since."
Then, text appeared. Saying:
"aNd nOw yOu fOuNd hIm..."
"oR mOsTlY..."
Then, he came out of the shadows. He had Gaster's clothed. He had a large scar over his right eye, an eyepatch, and a golden right hand.
"i FoUNd yOu!!"
Suddenly, what looked like his soul appeared and began to attack me! It turned yellow and shot it's bullets at me, but more faster and larger. They were hard to dodge but I survived. Text read:
"He seems to glaring at your blue eyes"
My eyes widened. I have blue eyes! I felt my blood run through my veins as I started to feel cold. How does he see? And how can I beat him?!
I went to Mercy and checked for things to do. The only thing I could do was talk. So, I pressed talk and this happened:
"You try to plead for your life. He refuses to answer."
Then, he began to attack me again. This time, he turned my soul green and arrows were all over the place!! I lost about 12 of my HP but survived it.
Text read: 
"His left eye begins to glow orange and blue."
I went for Mercy and tried to talk to him again. Text read:
"Once again you plea. His attack doubles in damage!"
He took out a bow with the word "vessel" on the side of it and begins to shoot orange bows at Delta's soul! I was able to not take any damage until the end when he suddenly began to shoot blue arrows and I took damage!
Good thing I bought some Bisicles and Nice Cream. After that was done, I healed myself with a Nice Cream and my HP was full again. 
He attacked with my soul turning blue and throws light blue knives at me. This turn was so easy since I didn't have to move. That was, until I moved my arm. It hurt horribly and I looked at my HP to see I was loosing HP when I was moving in real life!! First, this guy sees me, now I could feel it?! Now I'm terrified!
His turn ended and I tried to talk to him again. The text said:
"You pleaded once more."
"Saying you wanted him to stop."
"He stops your turn!"
"yOu wAnT tO lIvE..."
"sO dId mY lItTlE cHilD..."
"wE mEt iN tHe lAb."
"hE dIdNt hAvE a nAmE ..."
"uNtIl i gAvE hIm oNE..."
"deLtA wAs mY dEcIsIon fOr hIs nAmE."
I froze. Delta? Like how I named the human?
"yOuRe nAmE iS dElTa..."
"yOu tHiNk yOu hAvE a mOm aNd dAd..."
"wHaT iF i wAs yOuRe fAtHeR..."
"wHaT iF i hAd rAiSeD yOu..."
"wHaT iF..."
"wHaT iF yOu bElOnGeD tO tHiS wOrLd?"
Game crashed and shirted down my computer...
That night, I went to ask my "father" what options of names he wanted to name me when mom was alive. He said names like Tyler, Luke, Alex, etc.
He wanted to name me...
To this day, I'm still in the Mental Institution after wracking to everyone about what reality really was. 
To this day, I'm not as crazy, but still confused.
I wanted to know the reality of life.
I wanted to know what was real and what was fake.
And tonight.
Dr. Reality is visiting me.
Will he visit you?